Yoga is the fountain of youth.
— Bob Harper

The word yoga, from the Sanskrit word yuj, means to yoke or bind and is often interpreted as “union” or a method of discipline.  Union of mind and body.  It is a system of physical and mental disciplines practiced to attain control of body and mind through a series of postures and breathing exercises. The development of yoga can be traced back to over 5,000 years ago.  Yoga as we know it today is thus the result of a complex evolution.  

The yoga I teach is not about learning to put your feet behind your ears, it’s about learning to love and look after the body you’ve been given.  It’s about challenging your limits, both mentally and physically, and learning to breathe through it.  Stretching out tired and tight muscles, strengthening and toning the whole body, promoting calmness and relaxation with stress-busting breathing and meditation practices.  Incorporating imaginative flowing sequences, coordinating movement with breath to flow from one pose to the next, alternated with longer held poses, you'll float out of yoga feeling energised, revived and relaxed.  I vary the classes according to the level/needs of my students from a fluid, flowing vinyasa/dynamic practise to a more gentle/restorative style of yoga.  Modifications are always offered, so you can go at your own pace and slowly build your own awareness and openness to help create strength and freedom in the body giving you the chance to experience your physical and mental potential.


"The sedentary life is a silent killer."  The Telegraph

Working in an office job, even though the work carried out is mostly mental rather than physical, is very hard on the body as well as the mind. We were never meant to sit for hours on end in an artificial environment, in the same position, moving little else except for our wrists and fingers. The spine especially does not like sitting at a desk.  More and more companies are starting to recognize the benefits of looking after their employees’ physical and mental well-being.  I offer corporate yoga and pilates classes.  The classes encourage healthy spines and joints, increase strength and mobility, calm the mind and, and leave the employees energised, de stressed, toned and stretched! 


“Andy Murray says new regime involving 'yoga for dancers' exercise helped him hit new heights following back surgery”.  The Telegraph

It’s no secret that yoga and meditation have serious benefits for your health, but especially for pro athletes competing at a high level. Physically and mentally helping them gain focus, confidence, learn visualisation techniques and create positive thinking.  Through my own personal experience with sport and through working with many athletes, especially at The Queens club, I have discovered that there are endless benefits of combining an active lifestyle with yoga.  I teach tennis players, marathon runners, boxers, rugby and football players.  Not only does yoga bring about an increased awareness of the body, but it also elongates the muscles and improves flexibility resulting in better alignment and posture, a quicker recovery time after activity and sport, and a smaller chance of injury.  Muscles become stronger and more efficient and strengthening the core will make the body better at transferring power produced in the muscles into an attempted movement such as a sidestep or tackle.  Jessica Ennis-Hill, Maria Sharapova, Andy Murray, the All Blacks, all practice yoga regularly in their fitness training.  The Welsh rugby team entire 55 man squad had weekly yoga lessons as part of their World Cup preparations.  The Super Bowl team, New York Giants and Philadelphia Eagles all incorporate yoga moves into their traditionally rigorous training regimens and practice zen for relaxation and keeping them focused on game day.  Yoga is an excellent tool not just for daily life.


No room to roll out yoga mats, or time to get changed into yoga gear?  In a chair yoga class you'll practice postures sitting on or standing by your chair that will be specifically tailored to alleviate the aches and pains of desk-bound work and can easily be practiced at your desk, whilst wearing your work clothes.  Focus will be on strengthening the core muscles that aid good posture, reducing lower back pain and releasing tightness and tension around the neck and shoulders.  


Our children live in a "hurry-up" world of busy parents, school pressures, jammed packed school days, video games, and competitive sports.  These influences are often stressful for them.  When children learn techniques for self-health, relaxation, and inner fulfillment, they can navigate life’s challenges a little more easily.  Children gain enormous benefits from yoga.  Physically, it enhances their flexibility, strength, coordination, and body awareness. In addition, their concentration and sense of calmness and relaxation improves.  Yoga brings that marvelous inner light that all children have, to the surface.  It is a great gift to give our children.